*PASTOR'S SECOND WIFE* *Part Ten* I gave him a dirty slap that will affect his ancestors in their graves. The slap was so bad that he landed on the floor with his back. When he stood up he wore a face that connote vexation, his eyes were red and full of rage. I was not sorry or remorseful about it. I would have wanted it hotter if I had the opportunity. Thank God there was no dangerous object in the room, I would have hurt him. He stood up, came close and began to struggle to have his way into me. He tore my dress in the process but he couldn't pull the jeans knicker I wore underneath. I gathered all my strength to fight him that night. When he was tired and it was clear he couldn't have his way, he gave up. Mercy, I am now your husband and I will be paying your bride price in a couple of days from now. Denying me sex is uncalled for. Haven't you read in 1 Corinthians 7:5 which says: "Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency". When he left my room I began to nurse the thought of exposing him. This is a man who is seen as a super pastor in the city. Our G.O believed so much in him without knowing who he was. Why it took so long for God to expose him, is what I don't know. How can a man who calls himself a pastor be this heartless and cruel? Are those testimonies about how God used him to bless members of the church false? I will never forget Mrs Bode's testimony that turned the church right up. Deji was said to have prayed for her son who had been insane for seven years and he was healed instantly. She was in church to testify and I was a witness to her testimony. What of the numerous healings, deliverances and other outstanding miracles wrought by Deji? I don't understand this God anymore. He stopped talking to me because of what happened that night. I didn't mind him because seeing him irritated me a lot. I have enough money in my account, so I don't need him. My mother's burial was getting closer and I noticed all arrangements from Deji's family, even though they didn't involve me nor consult me for anything. I wasn't bothered because it was their sole responsibility to bury my mother. What was giving me concern was the fact that my traditional wedding was coming up the same day with my mother's burial. A secret and forceful marriage to a man I don't love. A double faced man, cruel and wicked. A man who impregnated my best friend five times and sent her to exile is about to become my husband. What would I tell Stella if we eventually meet again? If I expose him, he is sure to loose his job as a pastor. The church will scatter and many souls will be lost to the kingdom of darkness. We left Kabba on Thursday morning for Gboko. My mother's wake keep was to hold on the eve of her burial and my traditional wedding. Through out the journey I didn't talk to anybody because my heart was heavy. I wished this cup could pass over me. Why don't we just have accident and let me die. How would I face my father and my siblings? Who will be on my side? As we got closer to Gboko, my thoughts choked me the more. I was restless and bitter but I must give this last respect to my mother who died for me. We arrived Gboko at about 7pm and all arrangements were set for the burial and traditional wedding.

