WWE SmackDown Live: July 11th 2018 Results, latest winners & video highlights sportskeeda.com Jul 11, 2018 3:13 AM #1 - Miz TV w/ Team Hell No The feud burns bright once again The feud burns bright once again The ultimate rivalry The ultimate rivalry The Miz did his usual cocky introduction before bringing out Daniel Bryan and Kane, who got a great reaction from the crowd. These two will face the Bludgeon Brothers for the SD Live Tag Team Championships this Sunday. Miz said he's going to be a professional and wants Bryan to do the same. Kane stopped DB from punching Miz in the face - with Bryan saying he'll be professional. Miz asked if they're prepared to face one of their greatest challenges as a team, comparing the reunion to N-Sync reuniting. Kane: "First of all, N-Sync will never reunite, JT is just too big of a star now". Miz took a look back at the most dominant and united tag team in WWE history - Team Hell No. We ran down the reuniting that happened two weeks ago as well as their history in a video package. After a heated debate grows and grows, Miz said that Kane is inevitably going to turn on Bryan and that he's been dreaming of being the man who turns on him. Kane told him to breathe to try and calm him down, stating that they need to focus on the Bludgeon Brothers. Miz called Kane a Broken Down Demon, and as Kane grabbed him for a chokeslam, the BB came out. Sanity also came out and attacked Team Hell No, but The New Day saved the day to the elation of the crowd. Sanity and BB got the upper hand, though, standing over them to end the segment. #2 - AJ Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura The Phenomenal One vs The King of Strong Style The Phenomenal One vs The King of Strong Style Shinsuke Nakamura came out first, followed by WWE champion AJ Styles. The commentators were playing up the fact that this is a WrestleMania rematch, highlighting the fact that these men have also had a series of other matches over the course of the last few months - with The Phenomenal One coming out on top. Rusev came out with Aiden English and said he's coming to destroy the house that AJ Styles built at Extreme Rules. Rusev said that Rusev Day will haunt Styles forever after he wins the WWE Championship. Shinsuke attempted to catch AJ off guard but got a dropkick for his troubles. Nakamura threw AJ into the barricade to gain control of the match. Styles tried to build some momentum but got knocked back down by Shinsuke who went for Kinshasa, only for AJ to roll him up for a close two-count. Shinsuke hit Styles with a poor bodyslam for a two. Rusev, Saxton & Graves on commentary were incredibly distracting. Styles nailed him in the back of the neck but couldn't get the three count. AJ went for the Styles Clash but Shinsuke blocked it. Styles nailed the Phenomenal Forearm to the outside, with English talking trash and paying for it with a right hand. Nakamura hit English with the Kinshasa by accident when Rusev interfered and caused the DQ. The two tried to do more to AJ but Jeff Hardy saved the day. AJ Styles defeated Shinsuke Nakamura via disqualification The match was turned into a tag match involving Rusev and Jeff Hardy. RuRu worked on AJ with a series of bear hugs as the commentators spoke about the possibility of Rusev winning the title. All four men broke it down in the ring, Rusev went for the Machka Kick but Jeff hit the Twist of Fate and went for the Swanton but Nakamura interfered, allowing Rusev to score the kick and the win. Rusev & Nakamura defeated Styles & J.Hardy #3 - James Ellsworth vs Asuka Good luck, James Good luck, James Carmella wasn't happy with Ellsworth backstage prior to the match, with James wearing an amusing 'nobody is ready' shirt. The champion got her own entrance despite not being involved in the match, followed by Ellsworth and then The Empress of Tomorrow. The female superstars of SmackDown Live were surrounding the ring. Ellsworth and 'Mella cut a scathing promo in the middle of the ring, stating that he wanted the women around the ring to show some kind of restraint. Asuka received a relatively quiet reaction by her standards. Asuka kept attempting to kick James only for him to roll out of the ring and immediately get tossed back in by the girls, only for the lumberjills to descend into chaos. Becky Lynch prevented Ellsworth from escaping up the ramp alongside Naomi. Asuka dived from the top rope to the canvas below, landing on every single female superstar aside from Carmella. Asuka kicked Ellsworth into Carmella who fell off the ring apron, before submitting James with ease. Asuka defeated James Ellsworth Carmella and Ellsworth sprayed a substance in Asuka's eyes to get the upper hand before the segment ends. New Day & Team Hell No cut an amusing and passionate promo backstage prior to the 10-man main event which was made by Paige. #4 - Andrade 'Cien' Almas vs Sin Cara Cien! Cien! Almas and Cara go one on one with WWE continuing to try and build up the former NXT Championship holder. Sin Cara had a nice spell of aerial dominance, and following the advert break, the two men were exchanging chops with Sin Cara hitting a middle rope moonsault before spiking Almas with a sickening hurricanrana. Almas went for double knees but Sin Cara hit a sensational hurricanrana over the top rope to the canvas, but when he tried to capitalise in the ring, Andrade got his knees up before hitting the foot stomp with Sin Cara hung up in the ropes - kind of like Alberto Del Rio's old finisher. Almas hit the double knees in the corner again, and courtesy of some great guidance from Zelina Vega, he got the win. Andrade 'Cien' Almas defeated Sin Cara The commentators ran down the entire card for Extreme Rules on Sunday: starting off with a new addition, Sanity vs New Day in a tables match, as well as James Ellsworth being in a shark cage for the Asuka/Carmella title bout. #5 - 10-Man Tag Team Match Madness Madness Team Hell No & New Day went head to head with Sanity and The Bludgeon Brothers in a monstrous main event. There were a variety of quick changes as you'd expect with a match with as many people as this. Corey Graves noted the pure chaos involved with Sanity and The BB's members. Xavier Woods attempted to build momentum after being tagged in, but Killian Dain ended that pretty quickly. Rowan and Harper continued to work well together by decimating Kofi Kingston, with New Day's interference saving the day - only for Sanity to restore the numbers game advantage. Woods managed to get a desperation hot tag to Daniel Bryan after Eric Young also tagged his way in, with the leader of the Yes Movement lighting up the heel team. Wolfe broke up the Yes Lock but Kane came in with a chokeslam, and after a spinning heel kick, Woods took out Rowan. A series of finishers lead to everyone getting laid out, with Big E spearing Dain through the ropes. Back in the ring, Bryan nailed Eric Young with the running knee. Team Hell No & New Day defeated Sanity & Bludgeon Brothers Bryan attempted to summon fire as Kane does, succeeding to end the show.

