When Dating Is Real.... Anyone can claim to love you but better is the one that chose you. Dating is a give and take, if you see it as only "taking " you are not getting it. Love with your whole heart but use your brain to justify your heart... WHEN DATING IS ON THE RIGHT TRACK: √ The first insurance is PEACE, there is that inner peace that comes with the right person.. √ You don't love someone you don't trust. If there is no issue of trust, then you're at the right track... √ When dating is real, you plan with and for each other, no one sees another as a visitor.. √ When dating is real, you date for marriage not for sex.... √ Dating is real when you know each other's aspirations and work together to actualize it.. √ When your feelings are mutual, dating is real. √ Dating is real when no one begs for attention and communication.. √ Most people misunderstood care for money. The greatest sign of care is to value one's love or feelings for you... WHEN DATING IS ON A WRONG TRACK: √ You can remember how long you have dated but you don't know where you're heading to.. √ The easiest phase to use always " Is complicated " of course you are always having misunderstanding.. √ Even when you try to keep communication, what you get in feedback is " I'm not the calling type " √ Every effort to make it work is seen as nagging or desperation.. √ When you try to know what the future holds for both of you " The responds is you are too fast" √ The demand for sex is high while the demand for money is also high... √ One week one trouble; one month two issues. Ladies and gentle men, When you want your dream woman/ man to come true, you must first Wake up..

