Don't judge others based on the grace you're enjoying. Just because you got a job immediately after graduation doesn't mean your classmate who is still job-hunting is not smart or is lazy. Just because you're enjoying your marriage doesn't mean your friend who's struggling with his/hers isn't wise. No one is immune to a bad marriage. Just because you had a baby nine months into marriage doesn't mean a couple who is trying to conceive isn't doing things right. Just because you started your company in your twenties doesn't mean your friend who is working for someone doesn't have brilliant ideas. Just because your pregnancy was a walk in the park doesn't mean another woman who couldn't lift a pin throughout pregnancy is lazy. Just because you had an easy labour doesn't mean a woman who had CS is lazy. Just because you had a scholarship to study abroad doesn't mean your peer who couldn't secure one is unfortunate. Just because you're a working mum doesn't mean a mother who took a break from work to nurse her kids is lazy. People's lives and circumstances differ. We all have different struggles and graces. Be grateful for the grace you're enjoying without looking down on someone who isn't enjoying the same.

