P-square Illuminati sacrifice story true? news2.onlinenigeria.com PM Celebrities all over the world always attract a lot of interests and gossips. And every once in a while, you will hear a rumour that just sounds completely ridiculous. Nigerian celebrities are not an exception. A lot of people often search for information about Nigerian celebrities in Illuminati. As a result of this, there are blogs and media that like to add fuel to the fiery topic. Today we are going to analyze the rumours about the possibility of P-square Illuminati sacrifice. These rumours appeared on the Internet after the death of the twins' mother. P-square illuminati sacrifice is it true? This news was really strange. It was believed that the P-square duo (brothers Paul and Peter Okoye) sacrificed their mother in order to get financial wealth from the 'higher powers'. One of the heartbreaking things about the rumour was that it came at an unfortunate time. It was around the time the famous brothers lost their mother, making them orphans. The father of the Okoye brothers died in 2015 and their mum passed away a couple of years later after a long battle with diabetes. P-square mom While someone believed this rumor, others doubted its possibility. These assumptions amazed minds of sane people who are not even capable of imagining such savagery. Even the idea that loving sons could sacrifice their own mother seems completely insane and unbelievable. The rumours would only have been spread by people who are more interested in scandals than in focusing on the true facts. Think about it logically, the stars had already become successful long before their mother's illness and death, so it is simply unreasonable to link these two circumstances. 62-year-old Josephine Okoye had diabetes and as we all know, this illness often results in death.

