Unconditional Love: The guy said ''I love my wife unconditionally'' Sounds nice doesn't it but when we consider the word ''Unconditional'' Then it might be hard for people in love to actually love each other unconditionally. Let's push that guy a bit shall we and test his unconditional love? He loved his wife unconditionally or so he thought.Then tomorrow he found out that 3 out of his 4 Children wasn't fathered by him.He is merely a caretaker while thinking he was the real father of those kids. Do you think he will hug his wife,Pull her aside and kiss her and tell her he loved her unconditionally? I bet he won't. His love for his wife was conditional,On the condition that she remains a good wife,His love will be showered on her. If she starts sleeping with guys and giving him kids fathered by other men,His love doesn't include such behaviours. So we can comfortably dismiss the idea of unconditional love. Some women make such claims too. Such a husband material she had and the man can do no wrong,So she boldly says she loves her husband unconditional. Does she? Again,Let's put that to the test shall we? You have 3 daughters for your husband and he wasn't worried about male child like most Nigerians[Particularly Igbos do]You loved him for his understanding and boasting about it. So Monday afternoon you learned that the 2 boys he told you years ago his sister had before she got married were actually his biological children.You know the implications because the 2 boys were born before your 3 daughters.So how do you feel now? Not great is it? How about the unconditional love? The love that knows no bounds? The unconditional love? You see what I mean? Your love for your spouse hinges on him/her being of good behaviour. Your love will be stretched possibly to breaking point if you find out things that you can't live with. Again,No such thing as unconditional love there. When Jesus said ''Greater Love hath no man than this,that a man lay down his life for his friends''[John 15:13] This love and sacrifice didn't take into account the behaviour of those receiving it. That's unconditional love. The kind of love that you were loved even when you don't deserve it. The father of the prodigal son in Luke 15 showed exactly what unconditional love looks like. The son went away,Wasted money living dangerously and returned.Ordinarily,His father would have punished him badly.He instead threw a party for him.Why? This is a prodigal son,This is a bad boy! why welcome him with music? What he did doesn't matter,Who he used to be is of no consequence. What matters is the father's love. The love is unconditional,He doesn't have to be a good boy to deserve it.The father loves him regardless. That's God's love towards you,It is unconditional. Do you know why atheists will come publicly insult God and say abominable things and still wake up the next day?You think God doesn't see all that and still let them be? If some religious people had the power,They would have wiped many atheists off the face of the earth. You can't because God's love is unconditional. His rain falls for the righteous and unrighteous.His sun shines for all.You don't have to be good to deserve it. That's what unconditional love looks like. *The danger is this,If you continue to enjoy the love of God while denying him with your mouth or through the life you live. You continue to take the grace of God for granted. You continue to live dangerously and abusing the love/grace of God. Someday,It will be too late. The day you cross-over to the other side of eternity,That will be the end.You will wish you made the most of his love,his mercies and his grace but it will be too late then. So while we still can,Make the most of this unconditional love. God loves you even when you don't love him.No human being can do that. People love you because you are good and play by the rule,The father in heaven loves you even when you sin and do terrible things. All he ask you is to come,Just come and make the most of his unconditional love. This is not about Church,I know some of you are so desperate to defend church.This is about God's unconditional love for mankind.Don't take it for granted,Make the most of it while you still can. God bless.

