You are married before her doesn't make you so special or the most beautiful, or the good lady you claimed to be. This us so annoying, the rate at which teenager girls and some married ladies do insult their fellow ladies just because they married before them. Let me tell you that is the how well you start but how well you end it. I am not wishing any of you evil but trying to let you know that enough of these insults to ladies just because they are not yet married. Destiny differs and no one is God to another. Some ladies go to the extent of disassociating themselves from their friends because they are now Mrs. I am not against you decision, but also know that there are some people that married before you, marriage did not start from you and won't end with you. Those ladies you thought age is no more on their side, dear ladies you lied, they will still marry their perfect man which God is preparing for them.

