Why worried just because you were un able to have male child

Sometimes, when I see some women killing their selves just because they have not given birth to a male child, I begin to ask, are they questioning God? Why not appreciate wonderful gift God gave to you. Many people are crying day and night asking God to give them a child no matter the sex, some are even praying for God to make them pregnant, even if they will have miscarriage, just for people to see they are fertile.
Every sex God give to you, He has a reason for that, He is the only one that sees the future why trying to be ungrateful. Female are the best, yes I said it. Female kids will never forget their parents, no matter how poor their husbands are. Female kids can become what ever you want them to be, only give them  the chance, give them sound education and you won't regret it.
I admire female so much because they are my role models, look at prof. Dora , is she a man or woman? Please learn to appreciate what you have and may God bless all the female in the world.

