Teach you kids their mother's tongue. Be proud of yourself

Where do you belong?
Who are you?
Do you know your root?
Where is your pride

Seriously many people need to ask themselves this questions...
It is quite disheartening that we don't have value for our root. We don't have any atom of value for our language.

It is very heart breaking that our young people especially those down there in Nigeria claim they don't know to speak their mother tongue especially the IGBO

NOTE: When a language dies, future generations lose a vital part of the culture that is necessary to fully understand it.

What are they future generation going to learn from us? Something should be done to prevent Igbo language from dying off.

Someone can't even be bothered to learn his own language that his ancestors spoke proudly and He conclude " This is 21th century" and so what?  will you close that thing you called mouth. And yet again I ask, WHERE'S THE PRIDE?

Your mother tongue IGBO you can't speak and the English you are forcing yourself to speak is helele. (Very atrocious) Young man/lady you have no excuse for not being able to speak your mother tongue. Show a bit of pride of where you are coming.

Yoruba's or Hausa's born outside their states, even in foreign countries speak their language fluently.But you will see an Aba born and brought up and still claim " I don't speak IGBO" Nne what do you speak then? Ehhhhhhh there is problem.

I remember vividly in primary and secondary school when you speak Igbo in class you get punished and sometimes pay money for speaking Igbo... Where are we going to my people? You will see someone who grew up at upper Iweka but once he arrives at Port Harcourt immediately claim I don't speak Igbo “Nwanna o bu Oral ka ana asu na Upper Iweka”? Hmmmmm.. what annoys me if the English was to be an impeccable one it would have been better not the type that will make Britain to re-colonize Nigeria again.... Ike gwuru!

When an Igbo man stays in abroad for 5yrs and comes home, he forgets his language and torments the people around him with his English (INFERIORITY COMPLEX) up and down. It's a shame to our generation. Everyone is so obsessed with INFERIORITY COMPLEX that makes us live our lives like an Oyibo in caricature embarassed... SHAME!!!!!!

Some of the white people speak Igbo better than most of us. It's difficult to see a white who don't speak his mother tongue.
Last time I was overwhelmed and surprised when a boy of 4yrs old  (Mix race) warned me not to call him "Istvan" again that his name is Kamsiyochukwu and he is a black man and he was actually saying it in Igbo infact I was speechles but now down there in Nigeria ITZ, CANDY and MHIZ have taken over.

Eziokwu ihe a jogburu oke ma shi gbuo nkapi na ushi.

Have a rethink my people.
Ask yourself where will you belong in no distant time?... Ask yourself will I ever feel segregated from my society because of language?

A word is enough for the wise..

